Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale

Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale

Shock Sale Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale very cheapYou looking to find the "Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale" Good news! You can purchase Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale On Sale

Price: $105.95    Updated Price for Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale now
Purchase Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale low price

Product Feature

  • Kit comes complete with everything you need to brew 5 gallons of Scots Brown Ale.
  • Scots Brown Ale is a rich malty brew. Easy to make and quick to enjoy.
  • Durable brewing system enables you to craft any brew you choose from common to extraordinary.
  • Detailed instructions walk you through every step of the way.
  • Versitile kit, easily expandable as you become more advanced, nothing is wasted.

Product Description

With The Home Brewery Equipment Kit and Ingredient Kit brewing beer at home is not only fun, but easy too. This starter kit comes complete with all the equipment and ingredients you need to make our special recipe for Scots Brown Ale. This is the rich, malty brew of Scotland, with rich brown color, full malt flavor, and just a hint of hops for balance. This kit includes all the ingredients necessary for your first 5 gallon (2 cases) batch of homebrew. Our special recipe ingredient kits are totally complete and include: all the malt extract needed for the recipe (no need to add sugar here), specialty grains for added flavor and a cheesecloth bag for steeping them, fresh hops for just the right amount of bitterness, flavor and aroma, yeast, clarifier, priming sugar for bottling and full instructions specific to each recipe. Our equipment kit sets you up with all the special equipment you need to make outstanding homebrew again and again. It is versitile and easily expandable to grow with you and your interests. Kit includes: 6.5 gallon fermenting bucket with lid, stopper and airlock, 6.5 gallon bottling bucket, bottle filler, bottle capper, 144 caps, 5 ft siphon hose, 24 in siphon cane with anti-sediment tip, hydrometer, thermometer, sanitizer and an instruction book. The only extra items you will need are a stock pot to boil in (we suggest at least a 3-5 gallon size) and beer bottles that are either pry-off (not twist off) or flip-top to bottle in. This hobby is easier than you think! Give it a try and you wont be disappointed. Questions? Don't hesitate to give us a call for guidance and advice. You can count on The Home Brewery for unbeatable service, even after the sale.

Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale Review

It took a week for the company to ship it and another to arrive but once I got a hold of it, i wasn't disappointed.

Let me make it clear that I have never brewed before. That being said, this kit made the process fairly simple. Could have used some better directions but everything fit together and was well thought out. Give it a try, brewing is pretty fun.

I recommend getting additional advice from people who have done this before and reading 'How to Brew' which is an free book by John Palmer. It is NOT necessary to buy this separately.

Good luck.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Home Beer Brewing Equipment Kit with Scots Brown Ale ...

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