Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze

Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze

Shock Sale Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze very cheapYou looking to find the "Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze" Good news! You can purchase Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze On Sale

Price: $210.00    Updated Price for Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze now
Purchase Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze low price

Product Feature

  • Handles sold separately (HHL-M0BY)
  • 3-hole installation required
  • High-arc fixed tub spout
  • Ceramic disc valving for a reliable, leak-free operation
  • Must order 0X6-050R or 0X6-150R rough in valve separately

Product Description

Price Pfister RT6-5MXY Roman Tub Trim Kit, Must Order Handles & Valve (OX6-050R or OX6-150R) Seperately

Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze Review

So, if this is the style you are looking for, make sure you see that it is only the faucet head, and you will need to order the valve and handles, which adds at least 200$ to the overall cost. I was a little peeved when it showed up. They should label it more clearly that it is only the faucet head.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze ...

Buy Pfister RT6-5MXY Marielle Two Handle 3-Hole Roman Tub Trim, Tuscan Bronze Cheap

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