Metro Vacuum VNB-7B 1 Quart 1.17 Horsepower Blower Vacuum

Product Feature
- High powered indoor-outdoor super suction vacuum/blower
- 6-1/2 amp, 1.17-horsepower motor provides super-concentrated suction
- All steel construction for durability
- Complete set of vacuum and blower accessories included
- Complete set of vacuum blower accessories
Product Description
The Portable Super-Suction Indoor/Outdoor 200 MPH Vac/Power Blower. It vacuums. It air-sweeps. A combination industrial-type vac and power blower in a convenient, lightweight unit. The Vac'N'Blo slips over the shoulder and is perfect for handling dozens of jobs, indoors and out. As a vacuum cleaner, its Peak HP motor provides super-concentrated suction for getting out hard-to-remove dirt and dust. As an air blower, it's fabulous for equipment cleaning. ** Tools for illustration, all shown may not be included**Metro Vacuum VNB-7B 1 Quart 1.17 Horsepower Blower Vacuum Review
After struggling with a $20 vacuum for shop and car cleanup, I bought the Metrovac. Sure enough, as others reported, it pulls a mighty vacuum and is relatively light and quiet. The container is large enough to clean Florida sand from our cars many times, and few grains escape its powerful suction. The power and size are remarkable. Less remarkable is overall quality. My unit arrived poorly packed with many small dents in the outer steel cannister. The short extension hose seems of good quality but the other accessories are thin plastic and are not precisely molded. The on-off switch is strictly 1940's and hard to reach. The handle seems taken from cheap luggage. Soft start motor technology would be a great help because the unit jerks significantly on startup. There are no legs or feet so if started on the ground, it is unstable and wants to roll away. A pair of "W" shaped legs welded to the shell would be a great help. I run a custom shop so wanted the cannister repainted with flames. When I disassembled the Metrovac, I discovered stone age build quality. The motor end end-cap is held on by three tiny sheet metal screws. Where machine screws should be used on the motor brackets, there were sheet metal screws, and the motor brackets were bent. Two quick release clamps retain the vacuum end end-cap. Both dented the steel cannister as if too much force had been used to set the retaining rivets. Once disassembled, it is easy to understand dents in the cannister - the steel is soft and thin. Internal build quality is reminiscent of something designed 50 years ago and never updated. Judging by the amount of metal drillings in the cannister, it appears that there is very little pride in construction and virtually no quality control. The little machine is handy, but in serious need of modern updates and quality control.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Metro Vacuum VNB-7B 1 Quart 1.17 Horsepower Blower Vacuum" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Metro Vacuum VNB-7B 1 Quart 1.17 Horsepower Blower Vacuum ...

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