Wednesday, December 14, 2011

General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C

General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C

Shock Sale General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C very cheapYou looking to find the "General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C" Good news! You can purchase General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C On Sale

   Updated Price for General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C now
Purchase General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C low price

Product Feature

  • 5,000 Cooling BTU
  • 1.4 Dehumidification
  • Power: 115 Volts
  • Variable Setting Thermostat

Product Description

General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C,5,000 Cooling BTU.1.4 Dehumidification,Power: 115 Volts,Variable Setting Thermostat

General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C Review

It cools pretty well. Not ice cold but I dont' like it getting ice cold. I have it in a small room but it says on the box that it's for a 100 square foot room and my room is about 200 square feet. So, maybe in a 100 square foot room it would get ice cold. I don't know.
It does have this high pitched noise on the high air selection. It doesn't bother me at all. Anything that covers up the neighbor's dogs barking at night is a plus for me because it's a constant sound. But that may irk some people.
On the lower temps it doesn't have any sound, though.

This unit is small. Don't expect miracles from it. It's good for a kid's room or a room you use once so often like a reading room or a den.

You also have to install the side pleats yourself. It's really not that difficult but it was unexpected. No biggie.
Overall I'm satisfied with this product. The asking price was reasonable, I got free shipping from Pavillon and it cools the room. What more could you want?
Not for a person who has a room bigger than 100 square foot and likes seriously cold air conditioners, though.
Oh yeah, it doesn't have any of those annoying led lights. I hate those things that seem to be every electrical appliance you buy these days. Really irritating. But this unit has no glowing lights coming off of it except where the plug is and you can hide that behind furniture. Yay.
For me, this was a plus.
THe controls are very simple and I like simple.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C ...

Buy General Electric AST05LK 5,050 BTU Window A/C Cheap

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