Saturday, October 22, 2011

Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height

Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height

Shock Sale Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height very cheapYou looking to find the "Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height" Good news! You can purchase Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height On Sale

Price: $130.00    Updated Price for Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height now
Purchase Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height low price

Product Feature

  • Modern dining chair, extremely lightweight
  • Hollow brushed aluminum
  • Can be used indoors and outdoors
  • Non-marking plastic feet

Product Description

There is no reason to restrict contemporary furniture to the indoors - enjoy it al fresco on your deck, patio, or restaurant with this modern aluminum dining chair. Made of lightweight, versatile brushed aluminum, these chairs can be easily moved and will stand up to the elements of the outdoors. The simple design lends itself well to just about any type of setting. Plastic non-marking feet finish off the legs and provide additional stabilization. This modern brushed aluminum dining chair is fully assembled and is also available as a standard dining chair and bar chair.

Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height Review

We purchased 6 of these stools to go with a recent kitchen renovation as counter hight seating for an island. We are very happy with the choice as they are very durable and practicle. They are one piece with nothing to assemble or to come loose. Weld quality is good to very good and are finished in a brushed texture which is easy to repair. All six also sat straight (although legs can be adjusted). This seating could be used in a restaurant application or outdoors as well. On the downside, they are aluminum which makes them a bit prone to scratching as the metal is soft. Also the edges were a bit sharp and required a bit of sanding to round over. We have also added cushions since they are a bit cold to sit on initially (they warm quickly however) but they are suprisingly comfortable even without the cushions. The foot rest also may be a bit low for people with shorter legs. Otherwise it is a clean and elegant design. The best part being they are very light weight and are easily moved around. Definitly worth the money as they should last a long time.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Modern Cafe Dining Chair in Brushed Aluminum - Counter Height ...

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