Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue

Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue

Shock Sale Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue very cheapYou looking to find the "Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue" Good news! You can purchase Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue On Sale

Price: $109.99    Updated Price for Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue now
Purchase Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue low price

Product Feature

  • Size is 68-inch by 88-inch
  • Quilt is 100-percent cotton, pieced
  • Steve madden signature print

Product Description

Steve madden riley quilt features pieced patchwork in hues of blue and pink. The quilt and shams are 100-percent cotton, pieced and cotton filled.

Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue Review

The actual colors of the quilt are not true to the picture. What appears to be pink is actually a salmon/melon color, and what appeared to me to be a seafoam green is more of an aqua blue; nor are the colors as bright as they seem in the picture. The quilt is sewn really well(with blue thread, all over the quilt--it looks somewhat awkward over the melon colored patches), no chances of the batting lumping up in a corner, and it appears to be soft, but it is incredibly thin. Probably a good blanket for summer, but not practical for winter use unless you are putting more blankets underneath it.

I thought this was a set that came with two pillow shams, but I was mistaken. It does not appear that you can buy the shams separately either.

A disappointing buy for me, I'll be returning it.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue ...

Buy Steve Madden Riley Quilt, Twin, Blue Cheap

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