Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter

Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter

Shock Sale Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter very cheapYou looking to find the "Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter" Good news! You can purchase Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter On Sale

   Updated Price for Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter now
Purchase Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter low price

Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter Review

I bought one of these Ionic Breeze Professional Series GP air cleaners several years ago. I used it for about six months with no complaints except the occasional hissing noise it made whether or not I cleaned it. When I read the Consumer Reports critical (scathing!) review I put it in a closet and forgot about it. For the past several months we've had unusual monsoon rains here in Atlanta, and I live under a tree canopy with dense shade, so my house and furniture began smelling like mildew & mold. I tried everything to get rid of it, fans, furnace, open windows on clear days, sprinkling baking soda around and vacuuming constantly--all to no effect. Then I remembered the Ionic Breeze, brought it out and fired it up. Within 15 minutes most of the mildew smell in the living room was gone. This is not my imagination or a "placebo effect." The bad smells are gone. It still makes a zzzzzst sound despite cleaning, but perhaps that is the result of all the moisture in the air, or some residual dust inside the unit. I intend to vacuum it's innards carefully in the next couple of days and hope that will eliminate the sound.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter ...

Buy Sharper Image SI861 Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Filter Cheap

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