Monday, February 28, 2011

Casabella 56364 Dustbucan

Casabella 56364 Dustbucan

Shock Sale Casabella 56364 Dustbucan very cheapYou looking to find the "Casabella 56364 Dustbucan" Good news! You can purchase Casabella 56364 Dustbucan with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Casabella 56364 Dustbucan On Sale

Price: $105.19    Updated Price for Casabella 56364 Dustbucan now
Purchase Casabella 56364 Dustbucan low price

Product Feature

  • Dustpan and trash can in one
  • Oversized Dustpan is perfect for large cleaup jobs inside and outside
  • Made in USA

Product Description

Combined Dust Pan and Bucket

Casabella 56364 Dustbucan Review

I found this item at Ross for about $5. It is PERFECT for cleaning the ashes out of my cast iron stove, sweeping up pruned cuttings from the patio, etc. I even used it to clean up a water spill, with a squeegee as the "broom." Because of the bucket-like shape, it holds a lot more than a regular dustpan. (It's bigger than it looks in the foreshortened angle of this picture.) If you get it really full, it stands upright (the handle is the "leg") so it doesn't spill. I loaned it to a friend, who lost it, which is why I'm here shopping for another one. (Like everything at Ross, it came and went.)

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Casabella 56364 Dustbucan" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Casabella 56364 Dustbucan ...

Buy Casabella 56364 Dustbucan Cheap

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